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The 5 Education Pillars of the B'Lao Kindergarten



Lifetime education

Autonomy and mutual aid

The Montessori method allows each child to develop his/her skills at his/her own pace and to choose what really interests him/her. Using each student's thirst for discovery, by multiplying the practical activities rather than the "lectures", by raising the child rather than by forming his/her, it helps to develop a sense of responsibility, of mutual aid, autonomy and adaptability, in line with the values that the Foundation B'Lao wants to transmit.

Thanks to the common activities, the older ones can act as guides and the youngest can learn from their peers, their elders.



In a globalized world, speaking English is unavoidable. Learning it as soon as possible is an asset for the future.

The children are therefore familiar from the beginning of their education with this passport to the international thanks to two teachers of English. The daily exchanges and communication are privileged over grammar. There is no question of abandoning the mother tongue that conveys the way of thinking of the country. It contributes to everyone's identity and remains a priority.

Education about the nature

Education about the nature

Thanks to the vegetable garden installed on the school grounds and partly protected by a shelter, the children discover nature‘s cycle, the plants but also the principles of a healthy diet and the environment’s importance. A way to learn the observation, direct practice of learned knowledge but also a participation in the well-being of the community through social activities such as cooking. After one year, the students are more involved in daily activities at home, for example.

Physical education

Physical education

What's more basic than a healthy mind in a healthy body? The practice of sports also allows transmitting the taste of the effort, to lead to the surpassing oneself, to forge to the team spirit and thus to encourage the sharing, in line with the values that the Foundation B'Lao wants to promote. With the swimming pool of the school, to learn to swim as soon as possible, the outdoor playgrounds equipped with several slides, climbing houses, etc., and green spaces, the children are encouraged to practice sports alone or guided by one of the two physical education teachers. An activity registered in the program when it is extracurricular in the other schools.

Artistic education

Artistic education

Like the sport, the music and the arts are offered to everyone. With about fifteen electronic pianos available, the school is for example richly endowed and allows each child to develop his/ her talents. Creativity in all its dimensions is encouraged with the workshops of songs, dance, drawing, or expression. So many disciplines develop at the same time the inventiveness, the rigor, the sociability, the sharing, always the values that the Foundation B'Lao wants to promote.