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Our action principles


In order to implement the lifetime education, the foundation B'Lao structures its actions around the partnerships, which are strategic to have a transformative effect:

  • The public actors and educational system in place (the foundation B'Lao plans to begin its action in France-Europe with the public actors in Saint Denis).
  • The institutional (Chair of Philosophy at the hospital, Lille Design 2020, ...)
  • The private structures (the commitment of B'Lao group companies), leading other companies, starting with those of the industry, the Sismo, Pillivuyt, ...).

In situ

These partnerships come alive in joint projects. Thought, created and realized in the form of the experimentation in situ (POC's Proof Of Concept) its projects open a wide field of possibilities, in writing and learning logic through trial and error.


At the end of these projects, the multi-channel deployment kits (the methods, tutorials, conferences, online tools, exhibitions ...) are made available for individuals and organizations to transform society.


The covered topics can go from the creation of a kindergarten, the participation in a FabLab about the art of living, the new services in the hospital, or even the experiences for children in the museums.

Our first actions in France

Our first actions in France

The will displayed by the government at the foundation of the kindergarten, on  March 27th and 28th,  2018 in Paris, to develop the "affective dimension" and the "preparation for the fundamental learning" dimension within the kindergarten corresponds to what we have already set up in Vietnam. For Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education, as for us, "the challenge is that the kindergarten allows all students to come into bloom and master the language"

We, therefore, wish to participate in this "beginning of a process destined to further consolidate our kindergarten, where the future of our children and of the Nation are prepared", as stated by the Minister.

As neuropsychiatrist, ethologist and psychoanalyst Boris Cyrulnik assure "The kindergarten should be a factor of resilience, against social inequalities ". He notes that "the arts, the game, the creativity are good stimulants. [...] That children who learn music have better control over their emotions, access the first to speak, socialize and progress more quickly".

So many observations that we were able to make after two years of work in our school:

  • The children develop new social skills and interactions.
  • They get involved in practical activities of daily living and strongly develop their life skills such as: doing things by themselves, helping others in the class and at home. They are more confident, more active, and more enterprising.
  • They care and respect others.
  • They are happier at school and at home. They are open and welcoming. They even ask to go to school (these are the parents who report it).
  • It appears that the percentage of bright children is the same as in the other favored regions; the talent is therefore everywhere and it is useful that the school is there to make them emerge.

What we want to set up: the values of transmission, respect, openness, sharing, but also demand courage and inventiveness.